Thursday, May 31, 2012

String bean anyone ?

DUCKS! oh yes, they have visited our backyard yesterday.
As I walked out the kitchen door into our porch, I peered to the right and outside of the screen, on the very green newly rained on grass were two beautiful Ducks. To my astonishment, they were waddling around and moving toward Nadine's blow up pool which had remnants of water lingering in it from the hot, play, pool day, the day before.

Asking my husband to pick Nadine up so she can look out of the kitchen window and view the Ducks, I quickly grabbed the camera to get a few pictures. As the Ducks waddled around the yard, quacking away, I pondered, what were they talking about?

This Spring has been wonderful in our new home. I am enjoying our yard intensely. My only regret is not purchasing a farm instead. I am growing fruits and Vegetables! I'm having a great time in the Garden almost daily.
Our neighbors are wonderful , the area is lovely.
Surrounding our streets ,are woodlands. Once in a while if you drive slow enough, you can see Deer peaking out of the shady trees of the forests. Its just beautiful.

One hot day last week, having a blast running and jumping through the sprinkler, Nadine was as happy as can be! Glancing at her smile, I hoped that , this moment stay with me for a lifetime. I never want to forget it!
For Nadine, possibly running through the Sprinkler is a simple thing, yet hearing her pretend thoughts and listening to her laugh, are priceless to me.
Continuing to watch Nadine play, she ran over to me and said "Mommy, I love our house, I love our backyard".